One Platform. Unlimited Insights and Possibilities.

Real turns your products into a tailored communications platform to build trust, gain insights and drive sales

The Real® Platform is GS1 Digital Link Ready!

Take advantage of the new GS1 standards today

Real® Content Management

Help your consumers find what they need, when they need it.

Customers keep the information — even after the product packaging or inserts are recycled.

One scan of a Real Code and your consumers can have permanent access to how-to videos, manuals, safety, support, sustainability, ethics, corporate giving, recycling and everything else you need to communicate.

QR codes to deliver product information

Real® Product Codes

Print less, save cost, and deliver more.

Deep-linking codes and cloud hosting mean your content is always available.

Real Codes give consumers a richer product experience by providing information and context that has the power to support and serve your customer throughout product ownership. The Real App keeps track of scanned items for future reference — giving you the means to update content throughout the life of the product.

QR codes to enhance product packaging

Real® Brand Dashboard

Real analytics show how your information is being used.

Understand what product information is being accessed and what your customers really care about.

The Real Brand Dashboard is a cloud-based content management solution that enables brands to create, manage and measure both code scans and the corresponding content. We provide initial and ongoing strategy and tech support with real humans.

Analytics while protecting customer PII

Real® Mobile App

Reward customers with a meaningful call-to-action.

Take advantage of the moment a customer has your product in hand.

Go beyond usual links to sales site information with engagements that benefit customers like discounts on future purchases, exclusive content for owners, access to loyalty programs, and surveys to provide feedback. Customers want to engage with your brand, Real gives them the means to do it.

We provide initial and ongoing strategy and tech support with real humans to help you develop trust, gain insight and grow your business.

QR codes to deliver active content and CTAs

You’re in Good Company

  • Baby
  • Beauty
  • Food & Beverage
  • Personal Care
  • Sports & Outdoor


All the tools you need to get started in minutes.

You have the information. You have the assets. You know your why. Now deliver into the hands of your customers and gain insights — in the moment!


  • Highlight your sustainability, charity, environmental and diveristy and inclusion efforts.
  • You’re in total control of your messaging — we do not score companies.
  • Continuously gain insights into your customers’ behavior and motivations to improve future products, sales and marketing.
CTAs, video, instructions, care and support


  • Deliver rich media at the POS or during ownership without forcing customers to Google and get lost.
  • Save cost on printing materials an deliver them digitally — where they are updatable.
  • Create and test CTAs for customers with your product in their hands.