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Authentic Labs Makes Customer Insights Accessible to Consumer Brands

Real Adds Flexible Tools for Consumer Goods Brands to Reach Customers, Gain Insights and Better Understand Their Customers

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Real Adds Flexible Tools for Consumer Goods Brands to Reach Customers, Gain Insights and Better Understand Their Customers

Boulder, Colorado (December 8, 2022) — Authentic Labs, developer of the Real Brand Platform, today announced the release of new tools to help brands get inside the minds of their target market to better understand customer experience. Real leverages QR codes to deliver product specific experiences for consumer brands that inform and increase brand engagement. Now, with tightly integrated polls, surveys and other CTAs, brands can easily collect and analyze insights from customers across all their sales channels.

Companies who embrace data-backed insights outperform competitors in virtually every money metric.

The new, tightly integrated consumer insights functionality within Real provides brands with valuable information about their customers. This data can help brands to better understand customer behavior and preferences, and to make more informed decisions about product development, marketing and sales strategies. 

Real surveys and polls are completely anonymous, so brands can be sure that respondents will feel comfortable giving honest feedback. Plus, Real’s powerful analysis tools and sleek dashboard makes analyzing and implementing your newfound knowledge a breeze. Data can then be exported for further analysis.

Setup and maintain Surveys and Polls with easy to use tools.

“With distributors, retailers, and online marketplaces, consumer goods brands are typically several parties removed from their real customers, making it difficult to know their likes and motivations. The Real platform empowers brands to deliver their message directly to these customers and, with our new integrated CTA tools, brands can finally engage with customers and gather critical feedback. Our easy-to-use tools mean brands can create personalized experiences that deliver on their promise while gathering important insights from customers with their product in hand.”, said David McCloskey, founder of Authentic Labs. “Never before has it been so easy for manufacturers to reach and engage with their customers while respecting the important role retailers play.”

Authentic labs created the Real platform to help consumer brands reach their customers at a critical moment, while product is in hand. Now, with the integrated survey, polls and flexible calls-to-actions, brands can gain valuable insights that otherwise would have required patching together a myriad of disparate systems.

Gain valuable insights into your customer’s behavior while respecting their time and privacy.

Launched earlier this year, Real® is a connected platform for marketers that helps them move faster with organized product and brand messaging, delivering CTAs, and simplify product feedback. Real turns your product into a platform that can build trust, gain insights and drive sales. Learn more about Real at https://authenticlabs.com/.

About Authentic Labs

Authentic labs created the Real platform to help consumer brands reach their customers at a critical moment, while product is in hand. With its integrated survey, polls and analytics tools, brands can gain valuable insights that otherwise would have required patching together a myriad of disparate systems.

The Real platform leverages QR codes to connect brands to consumers to create better brand experiences and trustworthy relationships. Learn more about Real at https://authenticlabs.com/.

Flatiron mountain landscape in Boulder, Colorado

About Authentic Labs

Authentic Labs are the developers of Real®, a platform for marketers to organize, host, and deliver smart and active and product and transparency content from packaging. 

Join Real and promote your brand’s transparency and sustainability efforts for free, then add products and smart experiences as needed.