GS1 Digital Link and Resolver Requirements
A basic how-to with important-things-to-consider for manufacturers while implementing GS1 Digital Links
13 minute read
Customers are directly influenced by the experiences they have with brands. Brand experience builds consumer awareness and often creates devoted, repeat customers. When your brand experience is dry or underdeveloped, customers won’t engage and the product impact is lost. It really is that simple.
The term Product Impact can mean many things, including:
1. What is the carbon footprint of the product?
2. How does the product make an effect the consumer’s life in terms of productivity, emotions, connection and more?
3. How does the product deliver continued value beyond the physical thing or service?
Customers are directly influenced by the experiences they have with brands. Brand experience builds consumer awareness and often creates devoted, repeat customers. When your brand experience is dry or underdeveloped, customers won’t engage and the product impact is lost. It really is that simple.
Whether it’s emotional connections in content or promotions, the ultimate goal is to evoke positive emotions and feelings from consumers concerning your brand.
Crafting a positive brand experience to influence how audiences perceive your product requires a little strategy and setting some goals. This article will help you with clear steps on how to leverage the Real platform to define, implement and measure your goals, build engagement and ultimately drive success.
Set product impact goals in alignment with your business’s current interest. Whether you’re building awareness as a start-up, offering discounts, introducing a loyalty program, providing special gifts and/or providing proprietary content, Real is ideally suited to deliver your message — because your message can change over time. Here are the most common ways in which Real is used with product impact to influence brand engagement:
Enhance Ownership
Give the customer something that will enhance their interaction and ownership of the product i.e. a complimentary product, how-to videos, a discount code, the list is endless!
Develop Trust + Loyalty
Give the customer something that increases your level of trust by stating or restating your Purpose, with a loyalty program, a money-back-guarantee, or a life-time warranty.
Increase Sales
Increase the number of products, services, and offerings sold with exclusives that compliment the product in hand. Just leveraging this knowledge can make your customers feel special in the process.
Brand Education
Educate the customer on a specific area of your business, i.e. your mission, purpose, production processes, or founding story.
Build Community
Encourage people to connect with the leaders of brands and other brand loyalists through social communities or forums. Here is an example of a brand doing this well for artists.
A call to action (CTA) is a clear messaging phrase or standpoint that compels your user to take a specific next step. This next step should later directly back to the goal you set in step one. We encourage you to test and try different CTA’s to see what drives the most success. Real makes it easy to change your CTA to generate more product impact! Remember, to be effective, a CTA should be obvious and should immediately follow the marketing message.
According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. How can you make this product impact easier with your CTA?
People desire to be a part of something bigger than just consumerism! Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk and show how you are putting it into action. Show your customers how you are creating good in the world through serving and building communities.
Now you begin to think about the HOW and what is required to put your goal and the associated CTAs into action to increase product impact. Below are a few suggestions of what could be needed. Please reach out to your Real Success Coach if you have any questions about your implementation tools, tactics and decisions. We are here to support you!
Monitoring the key metrics that align with your CTAs and goals help you: identify performance levels of each CTA and gauge the progress on achieving your goal. After you put in the effort to implement a great product experience, the last and most important step is to validate your efforts. Make use of Real analytics that show your project’s progress and refine and alter as needed.
We do not share or sell any of your information. We also do not collect personally identifiable information from your consumers or users of the Real app. To learn more about our privacy, please refer to our Privacy Policy here.
Here are a few product content creation best practices.
Authentic Labs are the developers of Real®, a platform for marketers to organize, host, and deliver smart and active and product and transparency content from packaging.
Join Real and promote your brand’s transparency and sustainability efforts for free, then add products and smart experiences as needed.